• swrc@um.edu.my
  • +60 3-7967 3615

SWRC is a test agency for the Certificate Disability Management Professional (CDMP) and the Certified Return to Work Coordinator (CRTWC).

Certified Disability Management Professional (CDMP)

This internationally acknowledged certification was designed by the National Institute of Disability Management and Research Canada (NIDMAR) and was brought to Malaysia by SOCSO in 2010. While it is used as a guide in disability management training programmes around the globe, Malaysia is the only ASEAN country to have adopted this certification.

Individuals who obtain this certification will be recognized as Disability Managers, who are capable professionals equipped with the skills and knowledge to design comprehensive disability management policies. Policies include developing assessments, operational procedures, case management, and evaluation of outcomes.

To increase participation from individuals of all backgrounds, this certification is open to all and is available in both Bahasa Malaysia and English. Press here for more information.

Certified Return to Work Coordinator (CRTWC)

This certification is similar to CDMP, except it focuses more on the operational aspect of case management. Participants will receive instruction in working with other professionals, case management, etc. Obtaining this certification benefits employers as it increases employees' morale and productivity while reducing the cost for the company.

Malaysia adopted this certification in 2010. It is open to all and is provided in both Bahasa Malaysia and English. Press here for more information.

Link: https://eiscentre.perkeso.gov.my/disability-management-courses/

Last Update: 06/04/2023