• swrc@um.edu.my
  • +60 3-7967 3615

(April 2023 - March 2025)

Dr Naohiro Ogawa was SSRC’s Holder of the Old-Age Financial Protection Chair (OAFPC). He is a professor at The Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo and an Emeritus Professor at College of Economics, Nihon University. His ongoing project is on Asia’s Intergenerational Equity, Poverty Alleviation and Public Policy at Nihon University Population Research Institute which is funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). His other project is on Policies for Coping with Declining Fertility and Population Aging at the University of Tokyo, which is funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He has completed several other projects funded by the Japan Medical Association, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Government of Japan and the International Development Research Centre.

He is a Member of the United Nations International Technical Advisory Board for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. His research and consultancy revolve around demographic and social security, fertility, intergenerational transfers, population aging, and social protection, mainly in Asia. He has published several books and written extensively in academic journals.

(January 2023 - December 2024)


Dr Robert Holzmann was OAFPC’s Chairholder from 2012 to 2015. He is currently SSRC’s Distinguished Research Fellow.  Dr Holzmann is a professor of economics at The University of Vienna, Austria. He is also the director of RH Institute for Economic Policy Analyses, Vienna and serves as Senior Advisor (consultant) to the World Bank.  He was previously a professor of economics at Harvard University (US), Oxford University (UK) and University of Saarland, Germany. He joined the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany as a Research Fellow in 2003 and created with Klaus Zimmermann, the Programme on “Employment and Development” for which he now serves as Chair of the Scientific Committee. He researches, teaches and consults internationally on pensions, financial literacy/capability, labour and migration issues.

He has served as advisor and director in various prominent organizations such as OECD and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), where he headed various departments which include Social Protection, Labor, Pensions and Financial Literacy. His research and operational involvement extend to all regions of the world. He has published more than thirty books and over 150 articles on social, fiscal and financial policy issues.

Last Update: 09/07/2024